Jannelle Rethus

Port Macquarie, NSW


I was led to research Christine Kent's Whole Woman Work when I developed prolapse.

After investigation I was not confident about the traditional medical approach to this condition.

Being a practising Chiropractor since 1986 has taught me that our bodies have a remarkable ability to heal and return to balance. The Whole Woman work is also based on that premise and it gave me the results I was looking for.

The relief from the fear, anxiety, depression and physical problems of prolapse was life changing. The work gave me the ability to see my way forward with quality of health and life in my 60's, 70's and beyond, whilst also honouring the natural heart connection that we as women have to nature and each other.

I also realised that as a Chiropractor, Yoga teacher and Emmett practitioner I was well placed to educate women in a natural approach to prolapse, incontinence and hip problems, and had a responsibility to do so.

I live in the beautiful coastal town of Port Macquarie, New South Wales, which lends itself to a simple, healthy, natural lifestyle. I will be deeply honoured to speak with you or welcome you to Port Macquarie to personalise a program of self care with ongoing support in a confidential and professional manner.

Jannelle Rethus