Karen Lee

Ft. Atkinson, WI

Inspired by my experience working with women to overcome violence, abuse, poverty, and lack of educational opportunities (as well as devoting myself to the task of mothering four children) I understand that the journey to wellness and recovery is often both physical and emotional. Through my training as a Whole Woman Practitioner, I help create a safe environment in which my clients tackle not only their physical maladies, but also the soul-churning questions that come up along any path towards healing.

After surviving my own harrowing experience with pelvic prolapse, I earned my credentials in the Whole Woman community to serve other women affected by similar tragedies. Shedding light and compassion on difficult and intimate topics, I am a fearless advocate for wholeness and a vibrant life after pelvic problems. While living in Southeast Asia for a decade, I experienced my own pelvic symptoms, had multiple surgeries, and began my journey of recovery. After returning to the United States in 2011, I became aware of the ongoing effort and lifestyle changes required to maintain and reverse uncomfortable post-prolapse effects.

As a part of the global Whole Woman team, I champion whole-food-plant-based eating, empowered health choices, and harmonizing with nature for healing. I continue to evolve my role as a mother and wife by sharing my knowledge with my daughter and sons, and bringing my husband alongside on my path of growth. I am proud to establish my personal legacy of informed wellness and shatter outdated social paradigms that have been shrouding women’s health issues for centuries.

I am your resource for successful, non-invasive treatment and management of pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and chronic hip/knee pain. I am taking new clients by appointment and provide consultation via phone, Skype, as well as in-person. Please reach out via email or phone to begin initiating your own journey toward wholeness and freedom. I am also available for classes, small group mentoring, and retreats.