Kristen Woolf

Taos, NM USA
+1 575 751-3349
Kristen Woolf email

Becoming a Whole Woman Practitioner opens up a whole new part of my life as I graduate into Elder status.

I live in Taos, New Mexico. My primary work in life was as a performing and graphic artist.

Diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse, I started down the road to pelvic surgery. My surgeon-to-be proved indifferent to the ways in which my personal life would be impacted, somewhat deceptive in describing the aftermath of the surgery, and subtly threatening when I seemed unsure if I would go ahead.

I had nightmares in which my uterus was weeping! This most female part of me – that which had been the door by which my three sons came into the world, wept at the prospect of being cut in two! Was this just a body or was it MY BODY?

At the very last minute, I canceled the surgery, determined to find some other way.

A kind midwife friend suggested I look on the internet, where I immediately found Christine Kent and Whole Woman. Because I lived a mere 2 ½ hour drive away, I scheduled a consultation with Christine in Albuquerque.

After meeting with that very cold surgeon, imagine my surprise at meeting Christine and Lanny, both so warm and alive – and in the very charming Plaza Escalante where I had longed to live as a teenager, newly arrived in New Mexico. I felt that I was being smiled upon.

I began practicing Whole Woman exercise and posture just from what I learned on Christine's website, and by the time of our consultation I had applied to be accepted into the next Practitioner Training.

I hope not only to counsel many women about Whole Woman non-surgical solutions to pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence, but to find creative solutions to get information about female self-care out to adolescent girls in the hopes that they will never need to deal with full blown prolapse.

If I can save even one woman from this dangerous and damaging surgery which is the medical establishment's only solution, I will be thrilled.

Kristen Woolf