Marcile Marker'Petrilli

Kennewick, WA

I gave birth to my first child flat on my back in the operating room after medications had been administered to me without my knowing, I was given an episiotomy and it tore into a 4th degree tear which took about an hour to “repair”. After her birth I started having problem holding my urine when being active. this was in 1979.

We were just learning about Kegels and hopeful it would take care of the problem. Unfortunately Kegel exercises did not help me.

I became a midwife and started my practice in 1984. We were taught that this is just part of the price of having children and if a women does enough Kegels she would not have a problem.

This was not my experience as a women's health care professional. I have been teaching women the reasons not to do Kegels. I have felt at a loss as what I can offer them so I had been sending them out to physical therapy with poor results.

Then I stumbled across Whole Woman searching for help for my poor women. I have found the answers I have been searching for to actually be able to help.

This is why Whole Woman is so important to me and my community will be much better for this help.

Marcile Marker'Petrilli